Saturday 13 July 2013

Sightseeing Trip

First Trip to Explore London

Buckingham Palace
After having one whole week studying Account and Finance stuff talking about balance sheet, P/L statement, etc,
finally have a chance to step out of the uni zone and explore more about London.
As Northumberland is located at central London, Buckingham Palace must be my first stop.
St. James Park
Hoping to watch the changing guard, I had to force myself to wake up at 9a.m. in order get the best
Walking through the St. James Park, it was not easy to find out the noise of the crowd which I believed that lots of tourists were waiting for the same thing as I did.
Buckingham Palace
Yet, reality seems always not equivalence to dream. The soldiers were cute but not as handsome as I thought. But that was a great experience to witness this changing guard as there is nothing comparable in Hong Kong.  It would be much better if we could get into the Palace, yet tickets were all sold out and all we could do was to take photos outside the palace and walking around with freshhhhhh air :>
Simply closing my eyes and tasting the feel of gentle wind and fresh air, this just made my day(: AND refreshed my mind.

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