Thursday 17 October 2013

Day Trip to Windsor Castle Bath and Stonehenge :>

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

I simply love this place soooooooooooooooo much
a very classical city
with lots of street performers on the street....
and the one I met was playing Canon in D
what could be better then enjoying ancient architecture with classical music?
this simply made my day
and plus the weather was super good
blue sky and white cloud
with a Gelato on hand
a really holiday mood :P


Roman Bath

Wishing pool - throw one pound and make a wish~

a beautiful sky makes good photo^^

a beautiful sky makes good photo^^

a beautiful sky makes good photo^^

Seriously before the trip, I was not that willing to go as I always think that Stonehenge is just a place which stones.
But then after the trip, I was wrong.
The place was magnificent with a huge giant grassland....
together with the breezing wind
I simply fall in love with this place when i got off the bus
this was the first time I could be so close to the nature
and i felt myself being part of it:> 

Seriously before the trip, I was not that willing to go as I always think that Stonehenge is just a place which stones.
But then after the trip, I was wrong.
The place was magnificent with a huge giant grassland....
together with the breezing wind
I simply fall in love with this place when i got off the bus
this was the first time I could be so close to the nature
and i felt myself being part of it:> 

Friday 20 September 2013

Week 6 in London

Although LSE’s primary concern was providing world-class education for the summer school, it also offered a wide range of social activities solely for LSE students e.g. River Boat Disco, Lion King Theatre Evening, Phantom of the Opera Theatre Evening, and day trips to Cambridge and Oxford. Such activities provided us with an opportunity to experience something new in London, and a chance to meet other students.  Those activities helped a lot in our social networking.

After staying in London for six weeks, I truly experienced the lifestyle in such prestigious city.  London like most of the capitals offers a unique dynamic and multicultural lifestyle. As I always think, it is hard to taste the culture and lifestyle unless you really have a chance to live there.  It was a fruitful and enjoyable summer exchange trip for me. 

and byebye London :< (16/8/2013)

Sunday 15 September 2013

Week 5 in London

Week 5 (4/8/2013 – 10/8/2013)

Whoa! Finally came to this amazing weekend that ROMANTIC PARIS here I came.  Waking up at 5a.m. to catch the 7a.m. Eurostar to Paris was really tiring.  Yet, I still felt so excited to the trip when I arrived the King’s Cross Station.  After reaching Paris, we put down our hang carries in the hotel and started our trip.

 We went to Louvre Museum, Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris, Eiffel Tower, La Seine, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile and the Heart Lock Bridge.  To conclude this two-day trip, Paris is a romantic place only when it is at night time.

After the trip to France, the following week I spent most of the time in preparing and writing my midterm essay (2000 words) and doing a lot of readings for the tutorial class.  It was the most hectic week throughout the whole summer exchange.

Week 4 in London

Week 4 (28/7/2103 -3/8/2013)

It was really a hard time to say goodbye to my friends as most of them had to go back to their home university to study in August.  Before the hectic school life started again, those friends who stayed for session two and I went to do more sight-seeing on Sunday.

St. Paul’s Cathedral:

The cathedral is one of the most famous and most recognizable sights of London, with its dome, framed by the spires of Wren's City churches, dominating the skyline for 300 years. I have long been eager to go there for a long time.  As an architecture-lover, it was so amazed to see such fantastic architecture of the church.  It was really a pity that the gallery was not open due to a ceremony on that Sunday. Yet, we still had a good time there and felt the peacefulness inside the church.  After that, we had a nice and light lunch at a famous restaurant called Paul.  The sandwich, hot chocolate and the strawberry pie cake tasted excellent.

Green Park and St. James’s Park:

These two parks are near the Buckingham Palace.  There parks are ten times

larger than any park in Hong Kong. With the super nice sunlight and the gentle wind, we had a really great time walking here to feel the nature.  It was relaxing to walk in such a spacious park watching people having panic with their family and friends.  When I went back to Hong Kong and proposed to my friends to have a panic gathering, they all thought it was insane.  I guess this is a kind of culture difference of Asians and Europeans.  If I have a chance, I would do that in HKUST as well and hoping that nobody thinks I am a weirdo.

Having a relaxing Sunday, it was time to get start our study.  In session tow, I took the “E-business in Digital Age”.  To my surprise, there were only two Asians in the class and the majority of my classmates were all grown-ups.  With the term “Grown-up”, it means they all are having their own e-business or having their own career. This really surprised me a lot.  Luckily, they were all nice and willing to share their life and career experience to a little girl like me.  This is one of the amazing things to go oversea exchange in which it

definitely will broaden your horizon by talking to different people and you will realize you were living in such a little tiny world before. And I am glad that I made the right choice

Week 3 in London

Week 3 (21/7/2013 – 27/7/2013)

Here came the last week of session one, therefore my friends and I went to a day trip to Bath on Sunday.
 This routine of this trip included Winsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge.  This was an excellent experience as this was the first time I went travelling with a group of new friends.   They trip was tiring yet very enjoyable. Funny but experienced tour guide introduced us different places and their stories to us.  Even till now, I still always miss those good old days.  It is always good to experience and look at the breathe-taking scene with your own eyes.  Such feeling is hard to express by words.

After this memorable trip, it was time for us to sit down and revise our final examination.   The exam took place on Friday and this was a happy Friday as well because we had an end of session party held by LSE Student Union at RISE at Leicester Square.  It was the last time that we could have party with our friends here especially for those who only stay for session one.  They would go back to their home countries and there might be the last chance for us to have fun together.  It sounded sad but we did make most of the night to enjoy being together. Though we only knew each other for three weeks, we had developed a strong bond.

Saturday 20 July 2013

Week 2 in London

my favorite MOCHA COOKIE CRUMBLE from Starbucks 
 After using one whole week to conquer the problem of jet lag, it's time for me to work hard and play hard.  We have to attend a 3-hour lecture with 1-hour tutorial in normal school day. In which, our tutor is kinda nice to give us two 20-minutes break that we often go to the cafe nearby and grab a cup of coffee.... cappuccino, americano, mocha and you name it.  LSE is such a convenience place for coffee-lovers.  You can easily find coffee shop anywhere, Starbucks, Costa, Pret, and even there are LSE-coffee shops.
 This is how I get addicted to coffee after this hectic summer exchange. Yet, the coffee tastes fantastic in UK. And it is a culture for students to hang around and talk during the break.  It is really interesting to talk to people from all over the world.  Very often, for Asian students, we just talk about academic things about the grades, the examines and blablabla.  Yet, here, people
Pimm's in UK
talk about everything ranging from family to home culture and even your future plan or about world issue.  Sometimes it is hard to catch up their pace of changing topics but it is a good experience to know the importance of being open-minded and sociable.
Leicester Square & me

Most importantly, people here are all "work hard, play hard". People study so hard in which you can see the library are prolong being occupied by students. However, when 10:30 om comes, you can see most of the people dress up and heading to Leicester Square to have partying. Partying here is kinda safe coz mostly like those parties are organized by the student-association which means the majority of people in the club are from the same uni.  People dance and sing and throw away the academic stuff.  Basically, there are partying

every week especially on Friday night and of course, after the midterm and final examinations as well.

Ministry of Sound
This is really a superb experience for me as I have never been to any partying in Hong Kong as I don't think it is safe.  However, I just fall in love with the partying in UK. Groups of friends dance and sing together, well and of course we do drink some alcohol but we are so self-controlled.  And it is somehow true that if you play hard you do really study harder because you know you need to devote time for play so you consciously force yourself to study instead of wasting time on youtube or facebook or whatever kind of media.

Ministry of Sound
One of the best thing that LSE organized is the boat party.  Most of the summer school students ( if you are fortunate enough to get the ticket) get on a medium-sized and double-decked boat to have partying there.  The boat sails along the Thames River in which you can see the Tower Bridge, the London eye, etc.  The night view is absolutely amazing.  It is really cool to see the Tower Bridge opens at night and the boat sails beneath it.  Very often, I don't feel the excitement of the MCs in the tour TV shows.  But, when I a really there to witness that moment and be part of it, that feeling is just....hard to express.  There is also a big dance pool on the upper-deck and a large place with lots of sofa for people who just wanna drink and chat on the lower-deck.  Somehow, I think...partying is not a bad thing if people there are nice and the place is safe.  Maybe our home Uni should organize a society to gather students to have fun together at nights and thus we can socialize with more people instead of just talking to the textbook all the time.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Sightseeing Trip

First Trip to Explore London

Buckingham Palace
After having one whole week studying Account and Finance stuff talking about balance sheet, P/L statement, etc,
finally have a chance to step out of the uni zone and explore more about London.
As Northumberland is located at central London, Buckingham Palace must be my first stop.
St. James Park
Hoping to watch the changing guard, I had to force myself to wake up at 9a.m. in order get the best
Walking through the St. James Park, it was not easy to find out the noise of the crowd which I believed that lots of tourists were waiting for the same thing as I did.
Buckingham Palace
Yet, reality seems always not equivalence to dream. The soldiers were cute but not as handsome as I thought. But that was a great experience to witness this changing guard as there is nothing comparable in Hong Kong.  It would be much better if we could get into the Palace, yet tickets were all sold out and all we could do was to take photos outside the palace and walking around with freshhhhhh air :>
Simply closing my eyes and tasting the feel of gentle wind and fresh air, this just made my day(: AND refreshed my mind.