Wednesday 10 July 2013

Get Ready to School

This is it.  The London School of Economics and Political Science.
After settling down a little bit in the dorm with tones of technical problem, I managed to grab my GPS phone and started walking along the STRAND street and got ready for registration. 

While I was looking up and down with the street name like an idiot, I met a guy from Australia who was on his way to LSE as well.  Yea, this is Europe. Normally, in Hong Kong, if somebody come up to you and say hello, you probably think he is a creepy guy. Anyway, we just had a quick chat while we were waiting for the line in the old building and eventually we separated because of the crowd. LSE is somehow similar the same as HKUST with a small but comfortable campus which is kinda good for such a map idiot like me.
New campus, new faces..... I felt like back to the day of my first day in HKUST.

Sophia, Christy, Me, Ana
It was pretty cool to have lesson in the Hong Kong Theatre in the Clemet's House. Well, probably because the name of the theatre made me felt a little bit comfortable.  Yet, I still felt so weird to sit in a classroom knowing nobody and talking with my second language.  When studying in HKUST, I am the majority as I am an Asian ; while here I suddenly dropped from majority to the minority.  My friend once told me there are lots of Hong Kong-ers study in UK.....hummm I guess most of them had gone back to HK and it was so hard for me to see any Asian here not to mention Hong Kong-ers.  This made me pretty sad for a few days.  However, somehow I must force myself to step out of comfort zone. I always love meeting new people and why not take it as a challenge for me? By then, I started to take the initiative to  talk to the people next to me, in front of me and even behind me.  Though they might become one of the hi-bye friends in my life, it was pretty cold to learn more about their life, culture and mindset. Only when you keep exploring can you discover that the world is so big and knowledge is unlimited.  Somehow by talking to people randomly and I met my besties here:D I am really glad that I met these girls here in which we had lots of girls talk and partying and study together.  We study hard and play hard which talk about it later.

Course Taken in session 1: Business Analysis and Valuation  

I am not an Accounting and Finance Student, yet, I am taking this course.
First thought: I am crazy and insane!
Second thought: Why not?
Third thought: Challenge accepted!
That's right, it is one of the hardest courses in LSE but I believe somehow it is kinda useful for my why not have a try? There is nothing to lose anyway except being scolded by my parents if i get a F. 
Yayy... and that's how I start picking up Account and Finance stuff again....while I learn advance knowledge in the morning, I have to search for fundamental stuff on Wikipedia at night. Sigh.... probably I am now studying more hard working than in HKUST....but with self-initiation:) which is a good thing, I guess:D 

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