Tuesday 2 July 2013

Count Down to summer exchange:>

Count down: 3 Days

For the very first time, I am gonna to go to an unfamiliar place without any companion for summer exchange .

Will I be able to make it? Sometimes I doubt myself too.  Yet, there is no return path for me to choose. All I can do is to trust myself and finger cross.

Feeling nervous and worried at the moment. Keep searching info on the internet and hoping that everything goes well after my arrival ( at least can locate my residence successfully T.T)

Somehow I really think i am tougher then how I look.

Sometimes, I keep thinking………maybe it is a good idea for me to stop planning my trip in London. SIMPLY just let my fate and my feeling to lead me to the places where I am supposed to be and meet the people whom I am supposed to meet.

SIMPLY just relax and embrace a new change in my life.


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