Saturday 20 July 2013

Week 2 in London

my favorite MOCHA COOKIE CRUMBLE from Starbucks 
 After using one whole week to conquer the problem of jet lag, it's time for me to work hard and play hard.  We have to attend a 3-hour lecture with 1-hour tutorial in normal school day. In which, our tutor is kinda nice to give us two 20-minutes break that we often go to the cafe nearby and grab a cup of coffee.... cappuccino, americano, mocha and you name it.  LSE is such a convenience place for coffee-lovers.  You can easily find coffee shop anywhere, Starbucks, Costa, Pret, and even there are LSE-coffee shops.
 This is how I get addicted to coffee after this hectic summer exchange. Yet, the coffee tastes fantastic in UK. And it is a culture for students to hang around and talk during the break.  It is really interesting to talk to people from all over the world.  Very often, for Asian students, we just talk about academic things about the grades, the examines and blablabla.  Yet, here, people
Pimm's in UK
talk about everything ranging from family to home culture and even your future plan or about world issue.  Sometimes it is hard to catch up their pace of changing topics but it is a good experience to know the importance of being open-minded and sociable.
Leicester Square & me

Most importantly, people here are all "work hard, play hard". People study so hard in which you can see the library are prolong being occupied by students. However, when 10:30 om comes, you can see most of the people dress up and heading to Leicester Square to have partying. Partying here is kinda safe coz mostly like those parties are organized by the student-association which means the majority of people in the club are from the same uni.  People dance and sing and throw away the academic stuff.  Basically, there are partying

every week especially on Friday night and of course, after the midterm and final examinations as well.

Ministry of Sound
This is really a superb experience for me as I have never been to any partying in Hong Kong as I don't think it is safe.  However, I just fall in love with the partying in UK. Groups of friends dance and sing together, well and of course we do drink some alcohol but we are so self-controlled.  And it is somehow true that if you play hard you do really study harder because you know you need to devote time for play so you consciously force yourself to study instead of wasting time on youtube or facebook or whatever kind of media.

Ministry of Sound
One of the best thing that LSE organized is the boat party.  Most of the summer school students ( if you are fortunate enough to get the ticket) get on a medium-sized and double-decked boat to have partying there.  The boat sails along the Thames River in which you can see the Tower Bridge, the London eye, etc.  The night view is absolutely amazing.  It is really cool to see the Tower Bridge opens at night and the boat sails beneath it.  Very often, I don't feel the excitement of the MCs in the tour TV shows.  But, when I a really there to witness that moment and be part of it, that feeling is just....hard to express.  There is also a big dance pool on the upper-deck and a large place with lots of sofa for people who just wanna drink and chat on the lower-deck.  Somehow, I think...partying is not a bad thing if people there are nice and the place is safe.  Maybe our home Uni should organize a society to gather students to have fun together at nights and thus we can socialize with more people instead of just talking to the textbook all the time.

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