Thursday 17 October 2013

Day Trip to Windsor Castle Bath and Stonehenge :>

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

I simply love this place soooooooooooooooo much
a very classical city
with lots of street performers on the street....
and the one I met was playing Canon in D
what could be better then enjoying ancient architecture with classical music?
this simply made my day
and plus the weather was super good
blue sky and white cloud
with a Gelato on hand
a really holiday mood :P


Roman Bath

Wishing pool - throw one pound and make a wish~

a beautiful sky makes good photo^^

a beautiful sky makes good photo^^

a beautiful sky makes good photo^^

Seriously before the trip, I was not that willing to go as I always think that Stonehenge is just a place which stones.
But then after the trip, I was wrong.
The place was magnificent with a huge giant grassland....
together with the breezing wind
I simply fall in love with this place when i got off the bus
this was the first time I could be so close to the nature
and i felt myself being part of it:> 

Seriously before the trip, I was not that willing to go as I always think that Stonehenge is just a place which stones.
But then after the trip, I was wrong.
The place was magnificent with a huge giant grassland....
together with the breezing wind
I simply fall in love with this place when i got off the bus
this was the first time I could be so close to the nature
and i felt myself being part of it:> 

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